About Tiger


Hello there, thanks for checking out my about page. Honestly, I’ve never been very good at these about things, but I’ll try my best. If there’s something you’d like to know, feel free to ask! I also have a bad memory, so there’s probably a lot I forgot 😛

The Basics

  • Traits: Lazy ღ Creative ღ Cat-Lover
  • Aspiration: Best Selling Author
  • Age: Young Adult
  • Gender: Female
  • Sign/Animal: Pisces, Rooster
  • Residence: Florida

In Depth

I’m not really sure how to start this lol Umm, I won’t give my real name because 1. I hate it and 2. It’s too damn common, especially in the Sim community xD Please call me Tiger! That’s what I go by all across the internet. My name username across the web is AnnoyingTiger888, but I tend to use variations as well – my username on WordPress is VongolaTiger, which is also the name of my main in World of Warcraft, while my name on the forums is simply AnnoyingTiger because the 8’s were just too long lol

I’ve been writing most of my life, starting on Quizilla (rest in peace, friend) and then moving to various sites across the web. I watched my first anime around the ages of 10-12 and it was Wolf’s Rain on Adult Swim. The first kpop group that I listened to was SHINee (I’m not 100% sure, but I believe the song ‘Lucifer’ was my first? I remember hearing ‘Purple Line’ by DBSK in an AMV, so it’s between those two, really). I started video gaming on the N64 back when 007 was a thing – I remember playing on god mode and just completing missions, god I miss that game!

I honestly don’t remember if I played Sims 1 or 2 (my memory is really bad), but I remember fondly playing Sims 3! Fun fact: I hated the Sims 4 when it first came out for various reasons – porting to locations instead of driving still upsets me, but meh. Now, I love the Sims 4 c: Though my computer doesn’t like it much, making it slow and laggy!

I have A LOT of trouble finishing things I start, which I blame on my issues (mentioned below). I can’t think of anything I’ve finished, honestly. I’ve been Playing World of Warcraft since around 2008 and I STILL don’t have a character to max level – I got one to 110 during Legion, but that was only because I boosted her to 80! The same goes for Wizard101, as I have been playing off and on for many years and still haven’t gotten a wizard past level 60 >_<

I have dubbed myself a certified crazy cat lady because I love cats (and Tigers!) and we currently have 11 cats – all of which we adopted or rescued.


I’ve had many dreams over the years, but one has always stayed true – I want to be a published author! However… due to some issues (mentioned below), I can’t seem to write anything that’s original. I can only write if the world and characters already exist (aka fanfiction). I started a book a while back, but have only gotten 4 chapters completed. I haven’t touched it in years because I can’t think of a plot).

Other dreams I’ve had – YouTuber, Graphic Artist (I love editing in Photoshop and making forum signatures!)… well, I guess that’s it xD I thought there was more but nothing is coming to mind, RIP.

My Issues/Mental Illness

This is where it gets real – if you don’t wanna witness that, please skip this part.

I’ve had an anxiety/panic disorder for as long as I can remember, and it’s caused depression in the later years of my childhood. I still suffer from both of these today, including agoraphobia (fear of people). These have affected my mental state, and I tend to act more childish than mature :/ I’m on two different medications for them, as well as one for Thyroid, and they help out a lot but they can’t cure the illness. I’ve gotten a lot better over the years, but my childhood has landed me in a very difficult position.

Because of the way people made me feel, I dropped out in 6th grade (my biggest damn regret). Since then, my life has spiraled further into the depths of loneliness and depression. I rarely leave the house (though I’ve started playing Pokemon Go recently, which has got me walking about my neighborhood!). People honestly terrify me, and I have very low communication skills – when I talk to people, my mind just goes blank and I end up saying random shit that comes out weird, offensive or just strange. I don’t have any friends, except for the few people I talk to online. My life is very lonely, to be honest, but I’m trying the best I can.

Favorite Things

Anime ∞ Kpop ∞ Writing ∞ Reading ∞ Deadpool ∞ Tacos ∞ Sprite ∞ Dr Pepper ∞ Crochet ∞ Cats ∞ Wolves ∞ Music ∞ World of Warcraft ∞ Wizard101 ∞ Need for Speed ∞ Racing Games ∞ Minecraft ∞ Sims 3 and 4 ∞ B.A.P ∞ Harry Potter ∞ Photoshop ∞ Pirates of the Caribbean ∞ YouTube ∞ Pewdiepie ∞ OmarGoshTV ∞ Markiplier ∞ Jacksepticeye ∞ Call Me Kevin ∞ The Fam ∞ NCT ∞ Slazo ∞ LT LickMe ∞ Rain ∞ Thunderstorms ∞ Cold


  1. Hey! I hope this blog can become a source of happiness for you! 😄 I do know what it’s like to not have friends, even if my experiences were different than yours, I didn’t have any real friends throughout all of middle school since I just couldn’t find anyone to connect with and I do have some friends now but I’m just not very great at the emotional stuff…. and my friends now still don’t really have anything in common with me. Anyway, the simming community is amazing, and we’re all really supportive of each other’s stories and such! ❤️

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    • Thank you, that means a lot to me 🙂 I’ve always heard such good things about this community, but up until I made this blog, I was kind of on the outside looking in haha Its nice to experience it first hand, all warm and fuzzy

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